Fall Bucket List

How is your Fall bucket list coming along? What? Don't have one yet?  Well, me either . . . . until today, that is. I actually have had one in my head for a while. You know, all those things that you want to do once the weather gets cooler, the days get shorter and the colors begin to change?! Putting it down on paper somewhere seems to help me get organized enough to actually do some of them, too! 

This morning, I made a very simple printable Bucket List that I can post on our refrigerator. We've already done a couple of the items and there will probably be more that I want to add, as well. There is something so very satisfying about checking off boxes on a list!  


If you would like to make your own list, hop on over to my shop and download the FREE file. Included in the download will be the completed bucket list that I am using, as well as a blank one that you can add your own activities to. I think I'm going to need to print it out as well, so that I can add a few more fun things to my list!
