Dot To Dot Paint Shop

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It's Launch Time!

It's officially launch time! The next box in our subscription series is full of fun and ready to be shipped! The theme this time is Fall Fun. Now, I know for some of you, fall has been in the air for quite some time, while others are just now getting the first touch of cooler temperatures. Regardless of your location, you are sure to enjoy this box with your child. 

As promised, all the hard work has been done for you. In your box, you will find all the materials that you need, except for a few common household items (scissors, hole punch, etc.). This time, there are ten different activities included!! There are a few art activities, opportunities to get outdoors and explore and a couple of games that can be used by the whole family! We've even included a nice handmade element in this box.

Hop on over to our SHOP and take a look around and feel free to contact us at any time with questions.